Strengths and Weaknesses (Individual and Group)

Okay I feel angry so let us start with the group weaknesses.
There is one particular person in our group that does not like the idea of new ideas. This person is very rude when you place ideas forward. The other day we placed some ideas forward and this person as usual shut it down. Then she placed an idea forward and we worked with it for a while but it did not work so we (as politely as we could) told this person that it was not working. Then this person goes "well at least I am putting ideas forward, what are you guys doing?". In that moment it took me everything to keep quiet and not scream at them.
How good would it be if we could just listen to each other and work with an idea for about 5 minutes and see how it goes? What is wrong with that? I really do not get it. Here is a classic example of one of my ideas being shut down.
Why can't I just be tall and scary looking so I can sound threatening so people actually listen to me?
Group Strengths
We do have really great ideas but people keep blocking
There are very brief moments when we can actually manage to work together cohesively but when we do we create amazing results.
We have the skills and the ideas we just need to learn how to use them apporpriately without shutting other people's ideas down.
Individual Weaknesses
I think that during rehearsals I am a bit worried about going 'all-out' and showing emotions to my full potential and I am not really sure why. I think it is because I feel like people will judge me and Artaud is so confronting. I have never been a person who was much of a confronter. I do not like getting into conflicts. So this topic is really hard for me to act to my full potential. I keep telling myself that I will do it on the day but then i realsie that if I do not know what I am doing how am I meant to just 'do it on the day'? It is something I am working at and hope to get better at.
Individual Strengths
Is it just me or do you find the idea of complimenting yourself an absolute no no? I don't really list strenghts about myself in my day to day life.
I feel like dramatic theatre is my forte. I can show strong dramatic emotions. Our performance is pretty intense and I feel like I (with the rest of the group) can add that extra bit of tension in the scenes.