Scene and Character Developments
Our scenes have changed a lot throughout our rehearsal process.
Like Artaud, we have tried as much as possible to make the audience feel differently to how they would usually feel towards the issue of poverty. We always refer back to our concept when creating something new and see if it actualyl first with what we are trying to convey to the audience. We have also explored the emotions that relate to poverty and sticking to Artaudian culture have tried to use as little dialogue as possible.
Firstly, instead of a cardboard box, we were meant to have a bin. However, we later realised that manouevering the bin would be extremely difficult so we ditched the idea.
Next, outr first scene in the beginning of this process included what we are doing now. However, we also had an added element to moving the 'Bin' around and saying a series of "HELLOs". We realsied that the Hellos do not actually make very much sense in the scenes so we cut it.
Secondly, scene two originally had Chessie, Lauren and me doing the shadows but then we thought it would be too messy fromt he other side so now Lauren is doing the torch and Chessie and i are making shadows.
Scene three is almost the same except originally when we were walking over to Chessie, we were acting savage and physically underdeveloped. Then, we decided it would be more powerful to use common everyday people because it demonstrates the normalness, steering away from this idea that undeveloped countries hold naturally born “savages”.
Scene four originally had people holding hands and moving up and down with their bodies to create a wave-like effect. Again it looked messy so we cut it out and now we are just holding hands and clircling aorund.
Scene five, in the beginning, had The Goddess coming out of the box and doing what she did now but then everyone would hate her. She would try to win them back but they would not come back. Then she would shake one of them. Intead now she steers one person away and someone else comes and confronts her. Then the scene with the underdeveloped people remianed the same.
Character developments
Each of our characters play different roles throughout the piece. Since this is not a linear piece of theatre, our characters drastically change from one scene to another. For example, in the Net scene, I play the person from the undeveloped country. However, immediately after that scene, I become the cigarette goddess. Now, this is not a subtle change however, I do beleive it works in our favour as after everyone disperses off fromt he previous scene, I am left right behind the box which puts me in a perfect position to just crouch down while two people set the box up around me.
Oh dinner is ready!