Snow White Performance Reflection!
This task was set just as a bit of fun after the stressful assessment. (much needed) We were told to create Snow White in the style of...
OH MY GOSH! WE PERFORMED!!! And we got our feedback...
Okay I know this is pessimistic but I actually did not think we would be able to put a performance together but the fact that we did...
Our Final Skeleton!
It took us a while to get to this stage but we did it. Somewhere in the middle I was very worried that we will not get anything done...
Scene and Character Developments
Our scenes have changed a lot throughout our rehearsal process. Like Artaud, we have tried as much as possible to make the audience feel...
Strengths and Weaknesses (Individual and Group)
Okay I feel angry so let us start with the group weaknesses. WE CANNOT WORK TOGETHER AND IT IS INFURIATING!!!! I ACTUALLY WANT TO...
Robin Hood performance and More group development
We watched a video by a group who performed Robin Hood on a really tiny space ( I shall insert the video so you can watch it). They had...
Today we actually started working!
We made our basic skeleton and started working off that. We are working great so far and it is actually refreshing to have a group thats...
More Brainstorming (We are getting somewhere!!!)
Scenes Ritualistic movement, choreography in marching, the rich rubbing dirt on ‘poor people’ while smiling, ‘everything’s going to be...
Video on Artaud and his Background
This lesson we sat down and watched some videos on Artaud and his teaching methods. Please forgive me for not taking top quality...
Brainstorming ideas for our Assessment...
This lesson we just sat down and brainstormed ideas for our performance. This is what we came up with: Racism Teenage rebellion sex,...